
Transform Your Relationship with Your Horse: Learn to Connect and Become an Empowered Rider

Our webinar has helped thousands of riders just like you establish a deeper connection to their horses, make empowered and informed decisions about the well-being of their animals, and tune into inner guidance while improving their horsemanship skills.

Now, it’s time to discover what your horse has been trying to tell you.



Are you in? 




You’re constantly saying, “Ugh, I wish I could know what my horse is thinking.” This is especially relevant when they get that mischievous glint in their eye, and you sense trouble on the horizon. You beg and plead, “Please don’t do it, whatever you’re planning,” and then... they do it anyway.

You look on helplessly as your otherwise well-behaved horse…

→ Gets spooked on a ride. Reallllly spooked. Did she see a snake? A dangerous animal? Nope… just a plastic bag flapping in the wind. *Facepalm* You wish you could comfort her and tell her it’s not a big deal!

→ Refuses to step into the arena, despite practicing every day. You try your best not to scream in frustration. 

→ Absolutely refuses to walk into the trailer. You want to throw your hands in the air and stomp your boot because she’s done this a hundred times before! Why now?!

Your horse has his own mind, and most of the time, you love him for it. But, with a big animal comes big responsibility - and lots of room for error. Establishing a stronger connection with your horse changes the game. Learning to communicate, understanding his energy changes, and confidently being able to guide him through his fears is the game-changing difference you need to become an all-around better rider.



Become the Mane Attraction with our Connection-Focused and Intuitive Webinar 




Mindfulness While Riding

Gone are the days of generalized one-size-fits-all lessons. Receive specialized advice that helps you connect with your horse spiritually, creating a stronger bond between you.


Detect Problems Before They Arise

Learn to read your horse’s energy shifts, attitude, and behavior to catch potential issues before they become problems.


Become an Empowered Advocate

Learn the tools and knowledge to advocate confidently for your animal, including education on the welfare of horses and specific techniques to help ensure their needs are met.


Tools to Measure Your Horse

Understand when to use PEMF therapy machines, essential oils, and helpful supplements to provide a comprehensive approach to horse care, allowing you to measure and improve your horse's physical and emotional well-being.


But establishing a strengthened and loving connection with your horse takes time and practice and is achieved through various methods.

 Introducing: Angel Hand Ranch Webinar with Equestrian Expert and Animal Communicator Toni Trimble Our connection-focused and intuitive webinar shows you how to improve your horsemanship skills, empathetically understand your horse, and achieve your competition goals.

By joining our webinar, you will…

→ Learn how to connect to your horse on a spiritual level with the guidance of an animal communicator with over 25 years of experience of divine connection to animals

→ Experience transformative growth in confidence as you master the art of connection with your horse

→  Gain Exposure to new training methods and insight from field experts and other horse enthusiasts

→ Expand your impact within the horse community


Meet the Expert

Introducing Toni Trimble!

For over 28 years, Toni Trimble has been using her animal communication skills to help animals, and their owners connect on a deeper level. As an expert in personal readings, medical intuition, and mediumship, she offers hands-on and remote healing services for animals and people. Toni's passion for horses began in childhood, and she has been breeding, raising, and riding American Quarter Horses for over 48 years.

Reigning Champions - Testimonials from our Winning Riders!


I am certain that Toni saved my horse's athletic career! I have had three readings with you, and each one brings me closer to my animals. You told me to trust my feelings when I felt my horses were trying to tell me something, and although I had to have a terrible battle with the vet I ended up having him recheck something my horse insisted on...of course the horse was right and it was a happy ending.

But, both my horse and myself.


- Heidi Kohl


I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her godgiven gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Tonie, not only has she helped me to undersand my horses more & learn to read them better but I also have a closer relationship with them now."

- Mary Lee

What You’ll Gain With a Tiny Investment

Dig deep and develop your potential and connect with your horse on a deeper level by signing up for the webinar.

Medical and Emotional Intuition
Toni Trimble, an expert animal clairvoyant, reads two horses, saying out loud what she hears and sees what the animal is saying through its skeletal system, internal organs, and emotions. Learn how Toni does this.

Stronger Bond with Horse

Authentically bond with your horse as you learn to connect your heart chakra to develop an empathetic bond between you.

+Access to Our Horse Community
Connect and collaborate with other riders in the horse community. You never know; you might meet your next riding partner or fellow horse lover!link



If you’re not learning how to understand your horse, you’re shutting the door on a world of possibilities.


Our riders would agree with you. We’ve seen far too many riders make simple mistakes that could be easily corrected with tailored instructions, and too many horses suffer from the uneducated decisions their owners make. After our webinar, our students leave as more confident and empowered riders who see their relationship with their horses flourish as a result of their newfound mastery. 

And you’re next. Sign up for our webinar and empower you and your horse. 

I have had 2 readings and it has helped so many aspects with my barrel racing and the health of my horses. Thank you so much.

- Jamie Hiett -

Because she has helped me to understand them more, they seem happier & more willing to work at their potential. I won't hesitate to call Toni if I think there is a problem with any of my horses. Thank you, Toni, for being here for me & all my four-legged family.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -

We have tried and tried and spent thousands of dollars trying to get her in foal. 3 years and no baby. The vet did a biopsy and told us her uterus had very little cellular build and she would never have babies. When we told you this; you did not agree. I took her to my dad's 40 days ago. She fell completely IN LOVE with his little stud horse that day. She has not come in heat since. Had I not talked to you; I would have given up.

- Shannon H. -

I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her & her God-given gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Toni, not only has she helped me to understand my horses more & learn to read them better, but I also have a closer relationship with them now.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -

I have no way of thanking you enough for helping me find my missing horse. I called you several weeks ago about one of our horses that had been given away without our permission. I have hope now that I may be able to recover Darlin - thanks to you, Toni. You have truly been the light throughout this whole dismal ordeal.

- Bev Dee -

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