30 Minute Reading

30 Minute Reading


Includes a free follow-up call in 3-4 weeks.

Ordering & Availability

My hours are from 2 PM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday.

What to Expect

  • You order using the button Add to cart above
  • You make your payment
  • Payments take up to 24 hours to be received by us after you order
  • After this processing time, we contact you to schedule your appointment
  • Before contacting us about your order please allow 24 hours for your payment to be received
  • In the highly unlikely event that you do not hear from us after 24 hours, please click here to contact us

We are indebted to you for helping my daughter Sara and her horse. "Hippy" for the wonderful transitions they have made the past year. They went from physical, emotional tragedy to becoming a great team. Thanks for all your help and prayers.

- Brenda Nethers -

My appointment with Toni was a positive life-changing event for me and my horse. Our relationship has deepened and strengthened dramatically after our "meeting of the minds! Toni was able to educate me on Rap's physical and mental stumbling blocks - which I sensed, but could not pinpoint or solve. She provided expert guidance to all aspects of his life, from the environment to tack preferences to personal likes and dislikes.

- Cheryl Bixel & Reynolds Eternal Rap -

I think of you often, and I tell everyone I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You helped me through a pretty rocky road. Today I am stronger than I have been in since I can't remember when, and when I laugh, it's for real now. I am riding my horse again....so glad I didn't sell them while dealing with my problems. Looking back I still remember the feelings I felt and how horrible I felt, I still stumble every now and then, but I usually steady myself pretty quickly; I f

- Dani Flud -

I am certain that you saved my horse's athletic career! I have had three readings with you and each one brings me closer to my animals. You told me to trust my feelings when I felt my horses were trying to tell me something and although I had to have a terrible battle with the vet I ended up having him recheck something my horse insisted on...of course the horse was right and it was a happy ending.

- Heidi Kohl -

Thank you so much for your help with all of my animals!! With my upcoming divorce and recent move I really needed your help in communicating to all the farm animals what was going on so they would understand. Your help with my two puppies Izzy and Spirit was wonderful!!

- Jan -

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