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My stallion's face began to atrophy for no apparent reason on the right side. We had owned him less than a year when I began to notice a problem. I called Toni and through her, he told us he had an untreated ear infection that had made a "hole" in his bone and damaged the "yellow" nerve in his face. The vet said an ear infection had been untreated for years. It had eaten a hole in the bone in his face and caused nerve damage. His face may never be back totally normal but the

- Vicki Boots -

I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her & her God-given gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Toni, not only has she helped me to understand my horses more & learn to read them better, but I also have a closer relationship with them now. They seem happier & more willing to work at their potential. I won't hesitate to call Toni if I think there is a problem with any of my horses.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -

I met you at Ft Robinson, NE this year. It took me a while to feel comfortable talking to you. I am so relieved that I did. You are truly a gift to the world.I am truly fortunate I spoke with you in May. I have helped my animals be more comfortable and you have definitely helped me give my animals a happier life. Thanks so much.

- Tara -

We have tried and tried and spent thousands of dollars trying to get her in foal. 3 years and no baby. The vet did a biopsy and told us her uterus had very little cellular build and she would never have babies. When we told you this; you did not agree. I took her to my dad's 40 days ago. She fell completely IN LOVE with his little stud horse that day. She has not come in heat since. Had I not talked to you; I would have given up.

- Shannon H. -

I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her & her God-given gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Toni, not only has she helped me to understand my horses more & learn to read them better, but I also have a closer relationship with them now.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -

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