
Toni, You are the best! Toni has helped me with my horses so much, it is incredible! She pinpointed every problem we were having and the things we needed to change. My horses and I greatly appreciate you!

- Nikki Ward


I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her & her God-given gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Toni, not only has she helped me to understand my horses more & learn to read them better, but I also have a closer relationship with them now.

Because she has helped me to understand them more, they seem happier & more willing to work at their potential. I won't hesitate to call Toni if I think there is a problem with any of my horses.

Thank you, Toni, for being here for me & all my four-legged family.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma


Toni, I first used your services in April 2010, after the passing of my Thoroughbred - Amber, who had been very ill. You "had me" within the first minute! You were able to see and describe the horrible smell of the infection that killed her and in such detail...amazing! You saw my husband jump into her grave with her before her final burial, and you saw the special things that he put in there with her and so many other details, I have 5 pages of notes that I took from that day...all of it in such detail, nobody ever could have known those things unless you were Paul or I, the only two that spent that last day with her.

Thank you so much...this reading was a gift to me. I have no doubt that Amber was greeted by the angels in heaven immediately and that her sole is now back with us again, living within Teddy, our newest rescue! I honestly don't know what we'd do without you...we've now used you countless times this past year, to help us diagnose our barn cat "Charlie T" who was very sick in June 2010 and the vet couldn't figure out what was going on, until you pointed us in the right direction. You truly saved his life - thank you!!! You were then able to diagnose a leg fracture in our gelding Cody (saved us going on a wild goose chase on unnecessary x-rays) and you even saw a suture that was missed after my daughter Tara had major surgery last summer and was having discomfort. You told us the EXACT location of where the doctor missed removing a stitch...and we live all the way in Ohio! The list goes on and on. I have told so many people about you - and if they are "disbelievers of your gifts" after what we've experienced...so be it!

Thank you, Toni, for all you do for all of our animals and us people -- every day!

- Michele


Thank you so much for your help with all of my animals!! With my upcoming divorce and recent move I really needed your help in communicating to all the farm animals what was going on so they would understand. Your help with my two puppies Izzy and Spirit was wonderful!! I have ordered the items you recommended and started Izzy on the Milk Thistle. All is now well; I can see such a difference in them!! I can't even begin to say enough about what a gift you are to the world!! I am just starting to learn to communicate with my angels as I have been called to learn healing work. I feel such joy in my new life!! Thank you!!!!

- Jan


I used you last fall for my yellow mare Roulette. Can I just say WOW! After listening to what Roulette wanted to tell me and what she had going on it really made a difference. We started going to the pay window after doing what Roulette said she needed and the things you advised me to do. I can't thank you enough. Also, the reading for my gelding was great. He really did want his job back and proved himself with another rider this year so he is hitting the road with me as well this year. I can't thank you enough and I will sure be using you in the future as well.

- Jennifer


Thank you so much for the book! You have inspired me so much that I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I think it is great that you are sharing your knowledge with others. You are a magnificent LADY.

"I Talked To Toni Today" has given me a lot of insight, as well as it has answered many questions that I have always been unsure of. Many of the things share in the book I had no knowledge of; therefore, just by having a better understanding of what certain signs mean has already shed a great deal of light on the experiences that I have already had. I have often ignored many of the feelings I have experienced as well as the visualizations I have seen; those things now seem to have value and I seem to have a bit of direction on how to process the information.

Certain horses that I already felt I communicated well with have opened up to a whole new level since I began practicing exercises that you discussed in your book. The energy level is unbelievable. It is almost as though their thoughts and physical sensations are that of my own. Cisco, who has always been very in touch with me, has thrown himself at me. At times my hand feels so much of his energy, it visibly vibrates.

.... Hopefully, I will be able to come to your next seminar; I can only imagine what you are able to share in person. Again, thank you so much for everything.

- Shawn B.


I just wanted you to know that we took Gunner to be x-rayed at UC Davis just after our reading... actually, the next day! Good news! There were no fractures or evidence of any residual damage due to his injury! Although we would have liked to have had more proof of injuries for the lawsuit, we are thankful there was nothing found. I want to thank you again for your input and communications with Gunner... I have to admit, I fell out of my chair a few times during our conversation! I couldn't believe the accuracy of your visions... it was almost scary! It also brought us to tears thinking our beloved colt suffered as he did. He is a wonderful boy... and I feel as though I know him better after our meeting. I can't explain it... but after our meeting, we went out to the barn that night to visit him... his eyes seemed to continue our conversation from earlier! It was like he was trying to tell us more... and you know what, Gunner had a habit of grabbing a piece of clothing on me and just holding on... he wouldn't bite me... he just held on and didn't want to let go. Since our meeting... he hasn't done that! Thank you for making it clear to him that he is never going to be anywhere else but with us... I think that is why he doesn't hold on to me anymore... he feels safe and knows I won't leave him again!

If you find out anything else from him... please let us know. We could use all the clues we can get! Thanks again, Toni! You have a wonderful gift... a TRUE gift! Thank you for sharing it with us! We will be forever grateful to you.

- Kym


A few weeks ago I called Toni to talk to her about my barrel horse. I had time left to ask her about another horse, so I decided to ask her about my boyfriend's calf horse. The horse had been chewing very funny now for about a month. She also had not been leaving the box or working like she always does. Toni hit right on it, her jaw was out, and the middle of her neck was out. She suggested a great chiropractor to use. I immediately told my boyfriend about it, and we called the chiropractor. We were lucky, the chiropractor had known my boyfriend's dad for over 20 years! He let us come down that weekend to work on the horses. Exactly what and where Toni had said that the horse was out was right on!

We had no idea prior to my conversation with Toni that his horse was hurting so badly. That weekend he went to a BIG calf roping and won the average, she worked great! Then, last weekend we went to the Quarter Horse Congress, and the mare won it! We are very thankful to Toni, (and Laird Burke!) because without Toni's help, and the chiropractor's, our horse would still be hurting. Now we are looking forward to the world show! Thanks, Toni!

- CR Bradley and Rosie Cooper


"Thank you" just doesn't seem powerful enough for what you have done for us. On October 28th, 2002, I called you in desperation. We are a therapeutic riding center and we had lost 3 of our program horses very suddenly. You spoke to the ones that had passed and they indicated it was a problem first in their bodies, then it went to the head (they had serum hepatitis). Western medicine gave us no hope at all (three other horses were in the early stages, you were right about that also). You suggested doing a liver detoxification herbally. We did this and also contacted a Chinese Herbalist who is also a scientist and working specifically with their blood work, he came up with a formula. These three horses were very ill when we started. As of their last blood work they are all back within a normal range. The horses we lost were not only part of our family, but they touched so many lives in their therapy work. Thanks to you, we plan to be up and running again come springtime. God Bless.

- Patti Gillham, Owner
Green Acres Therapeutic Riding Center
Jamesport, Mo.


I have been blessed to know Toni for many years and also to be her neighbor. Our friendship has complimented our continued growth in studying alternative therapies for healing animals and people. I can't tell you the number of times that I thought she was out there in left field only to find that she was dead right. So now no matter how wild her statements are, I never doubt her! I had a bizarre situation one evening when I had called the vet out for what appeared to be a routine colic of my Horse GiJacob. He seemed to be choking and very upset and we couldn’t tell if he had swallowed something and it had made him distressed or perhaps he had gotten into something that had upset his stomach. The vet put a speculum in his mouth and attempted to put a plastic tube down his throat.

Jacob started bleeding from the mouth and we could not figure out where it was coming from. The bleeding continued with no end in sight. I called Toni and asked her to come over and that I thought Jacob was bleeding to death. The barn was covered in blood when Toni arrived. It was an unbelievable sight! The vet seemed unable to do anything-obviously he had hit an artery somewhere for the blood just wouldn't stop. Toni questioned the vet and suggested things for him to do but he was very defensive and thought she was interfering. She knew where the blood was coming from- a palatal artery that he had punctured. Toni is very close to my horse and this was just as devastating to her as it was to me. I knew she was asking for a healing from the Angels and suddenly Jacob stopped bleeding.

The vet left not giving me any medication or emotional support. He was in shock and knew he had seen a miracle. It took us days to recover from this episode, but we knew Toni's ability to work with the Angels saved my horse. Then one night a few days after the accident, Jacob came to Toni?s bedroom and told her that his throat was sore and the hay I had was irritating it. He told her he wanted hay like the kind she had. She called me the next day and told me of his visit last night and his desire to have better hay. This is only one of many stories about Toni and her abilities. She is such an amazing healer and a wonderful friend. I try to do everything right for Jacob-especially since he knows he can bust me if I don't!?

- Julie Dickey


My appointment with Toni was a positive life-changing event for me and my horse. Our relationship has deepened and strengthened dramatically after our "meeting of the minds! Toni was able to educate me on Rap's physical and mental stumbling blocks - which I sensed, but could not pinpoint or solve. She provided expert guidance to all aspects of his life, from the environment to tack preferences to personal likes and dislikes. As I constantly strive to make Rap's life the best and happiest that I can, Toni's insights were invaluable.I will continue to use Toni's services as long as they are available to help keep my equine partner in the best mental and physical health possible.

- Cheryl Bixel & Reynolds Eternal Rap


My stallion's face began to atrophy for no apparent reason on the right side. We had owned him less than a year when I began to notice a problem. I called Toni and through her, he told us he had an untreated ear infection that had made a "hole" in his bone and damaged the "yellow" nerve in his face. It did not hurt, just a burning sensation he said. He also said he needed cyproheptadine (sp) to cure it. We took him to the vet for an x-ray. The vet said an ear infection had been untreated for years. It had eaten a hole in the bone in his face and caused nerve damage. The vet showed my husband a chart with the nerves color coded and it was the yellow nerve on the chart that fed the cheek area that was damaged. He prescribed the drug my stallion said he needed along with some other antibiotics. He has a 50% chance of full recovery and is coming along. His face may never be back totally normal but the infection is gone and Desert Bey is happy!?

- Vicki Boots


I am certain that you saved my horse's athletic career! I have had three readings with you and each one brings me closer to my animals. You told me to trust my feelings when I felt my horses were trying to tell me something and although I had to have a terrible battle with the vet I ended up having him recheck something my horse insisted on...of course the horse was right and it was a happy ending.

But, both my horse and myself.


- Heidi Kohl


We are indebted to you for helping my daughter Sara and her horse. "Hippy" for the wonderful transitions they have made the past year. They went from physical, emotional tragedy to becoming a great team and will be competing at the youth world show in Fort Worth Aug 2-9 in youth trail and western riding. You had told us you saw them at the World Show so this is their big chance to demonstrate what they have overcome. Wish them well. I feel it will be a good experience! Thanks for all your help and prayers.

- Brenda Nethers


After the reading concerning my mare who has passed, the vision of her standing on the grassy hillside, wind blowing through her mane and tail is priceless. I cannot thank you enough for helping me find her.

- Dee Dee Schandelmeier


I have had 2 readings and it has helped so many aspects with my barrel racing and the health of my horses. Thank you so much.

- Jamie Hiett


I don't know if you remember me but you saved my life a few years ago.

I just logged onto your website to forward it to a friend and saw your NCHA video....WOW!! I am friends with a guy who used to show NCHA and I have a blast when he teaches me things.

I think of you often, and I tell everyone I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You helped me through a pretty rocky road. Today I am stronger than I have been in since I can't remember when, and when I laugh, it's for real now. I am riding my horse again....so glad I didn't sell them while dealing with my problems. Looking back I still remember the feelings I felt and how horrible I felt, I still stumble every now and then, but I usually steady myself pretty quickly; I feel good!

A huge thank you has been LONG overdue. Thank you for my life back Toni!

- Dani Flud


I met you at Ft Robinson, NE this year. It took me a while to feel comfortable talking to you about my 3 horses and my 2 dogs (the dogs were in a different state). After talking with Peggy, Amanda and JD they talked me into it. I am so relieved that I did. You are truly a gift to the world.

As soon as I got home from our trip I started my mare, Izzy, on electrolytes. You knew how she would suck her belly up after being ridden and didn't drink enough. You didn't even watch me ride her until after we talked. Now she drinks a lot more. You also told me to get her on meds for her sensitive skin. This year she is looking better than she has in years during the mosquito season.

Callie...you told me her jaw was popped out. I got her to the chiropractor and sure enough, it was. She used to throw her head all the time and now she hasn't since then. What a blessing. You also told me that she needed an extra dose of calcium and I started putting a fat nugget (Amplify) on her feed that next week. She looks better and feels good too.

B...you told me that she had high blood pressure and to get it checked out. I took her to the vet last week to find out that her blood pressure was 260/75 (extremely high they said) and we got her on blood meds. Today I took her to get an ultrasound done and found out she has two tumors. If I wouldn't have spoken with you about this I would have never found the tumors. Today you told me to get her on a tumor medicine that will hopefully shrink it and make it more comfortable for her. You also told me in May that she had puppies (which my husband new and I never did) and the reason why her coat is the way it is. We would have never known any of this if it wasn't for you.

I am also blessed you were able to help my mom with her cat and you were able to tell us more about Lexie and why and how she died.

I am truly fortunate I spoke with you in May. I have helped my animals be more comfortable and you have definitely helped me give my animals a happier life.

Thanks so much.

- Tara


I just wanted to take a minute and share some good news with you. My father and I spoke to you last fall about some of our horses. One in particular - Rosie. This horse has a very special place in my heart and will forever remain there. We have tried and tried and spent thousands of dollars trying to get her in foal. 3 years and no baby. The vet did a biopsy and told us her uterus had very little cellular build and she would never have babies.

When we told you this; you did not agree. You felt it would be better to turn her out with a stud, but we were all concerned for his safety. Rosie is a very dominant mare. I took her to my dads 40 days ago. She fell completely IN LOVE with his little stud horse that day. She has not come in heat since. She has taken well to her retirement from the rodeo world and barrel racing and is very content with the rest of the girls as a broodmare.

Had I not talked to you; I would have given up. My dad has a name picked out already.


-Shannon H.


Toni, just wanted to tell you thank you sooo much for the other day's visit. You were right on when I took him to the vet on Tues. he was only sore in his right hind leg. the SI joint was a little sore, but most of the pain was in the muscles, they call it whorl bone, but no bone there, just a lot of major muscles tie in there. The vet injected that area and his SI.

His hocks were great and I'm sooo happy, those herbs you told me to put him on back in Oct must be taking care of any joint soreness. I'm really tickled about that because before I was having to get him injected about every few months and he has had an injection since late summer. I'm just thrilled! He did have a very mild case of ulcer, but he will be over that soon and I'm going to keep the aloe vera juice in his feed daily.

I just wanted to tell you thank you and how much I appreciated you. I love him sooooooo much. He has been a gift from God and I've never had one comparable. Me and him have been through a lot together and sooo many of my friends and my family tell me how I need a new horse all the time because he is counterfeit and a cheater, but no one in this world knows how much he means to me. I have ridden and competed on other horses but it never means near as much, and that special feeling isn't there on any other horse. I just can't give up on him, me and him are just that special bond, and I just love him that much!

Anyway, I know your very busy, but I wanted to thank you for all you have helped me within the past few months. If it weren't for you I would have never checked his back feet to find out how bad his shoes were, not to mention all the other things you've helped me with.

Thank you and you have a wonderful weekend!

- Jammie & Vegas


I have no way of thanking you enough for helping me find my missing horse. My friend, Gina M.. told me about you a while ago, and I called you several weeks ago about one of our horses that had been given away without our permission. You knew the adopter's name, the next human's name in her journey, and all about the injury to her knee that precluded her from becoming a racehorse (which is how she came to our organization).

When I asked you to help me find her, you told me there was a connection to a racetrack, and that the woman's name who had her or cared for her was Debbie. I contacted a PI agency in Florida (so many on the internet to choose from, but divine intervention again - I chose an agency who not only was a friend of the Lieutenant in the Sheriff's office I had contacted but who also gave my name to another PI who was well connected in the horse community in Davie. Sandee (the PI who is helping me) has donated her time to help me in any way she can. When I told her about you and what you had told me she immediately put a flyer in the commissary at Calder race course (as well as many other places throughout South Florida.)

The only call I received as a result of all of our advertising (we advertised in a statewide publication as well) was from a woman who had looked at my horse as a broodmare prospect. She saw the flyer at Calder, remembered my horses' name, and the unique star on her forehead, and called. She directed us to the farm in Port St. Lucie where my horse was and it turns out that the "owner" was none other than a "Debbie". The adopter gave Darlin to Debbie (a sister in law), but Debbie didn't want her (said she was crazy, but you told me she was having a terrible time with her heat cycles) and took her to a Thoroughbred sale in Ocala.

I have since found out that a woman purchased her there, and my hope is that I will be able to get a copy of the bill of sale and finally locate my horse and bring her home. One shot in a million - almost literally. Your racetrack connection and the flyer at Calder that was in the right place at the right time was the only way I'd have ever gotten this far! I have hope now that I may be able to recover Darlin - thanks to you, Toni. You have truly been the light throughout this whole dismal ordeal. I will let you know when (not if, but when) I find her.

- Bev Dee


A few weeks ago I called Toni to talk to her about my barrel horse. I had time left to ask her about another horse, so I decided to ask her about my boyfriend's calf horse. The horse had been chewing very funny now for about a month. She also had not been leaving the box or working like she always does. Toni hit right on it, her jaw was out, and the middle of her neck was out. She suggested a great chiropractor to use. I immediately told my boyfriend about it, and we called the chiropractor. We were lucky, the chiropractor had known my boyfriend's dad for over 20 years! He let us come down that weekend to work on the horses. Exactly what and where Toni had said that the horse was out was right on!

We had no idea prior to my conversation with Toni that his horse was hurting so badly. That weekend he went to a BIG calf roping and won the average, she worked great! Then, last weekend we went to the Quarter Horse Congress, and the mare won it! We are very thankful to Toni, (and Laird Burke!) because without Toni's help, and the chiropractor's, our horse would still be hurting. Now we are looking forward to the world show! Thanks Toni!

- CR Bradley and Rosie Cooper


I just wanted to let you know that I was a little skeptical when I called last Friday. When you told me about my stallion, Lucks Phantom Bug (Bug), I had never heard of the photic head shaking syndrome you told me about. He was the first horse of six that we read that evening. You told me he said he had hooks on his teeth and that he was out in the poll and the right side of the neck. After our session, I looked up photic head shaking in books and on the internet and Bug has the symptoms of the nerve type which was exactly what you told me. I called my trainer on Sunday and asked her if they had noticed the head shaking. It is better but he still does it. I gave her the name of the drug you suggested and she was going to check with her vet. I then asked how he was doing. She told me that the dentist had been out and Bug had "hooks in the back" and that he had been chiropracted and he was out "in the poll and the right side of the neck". All I can say is WOW. I am not skeptical anymore. All of our other readings were right on the mark, also. I am going to schedule another reading when I get back home in November. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you and my horses again. Also, when we did PW, he asked you to ask me if I knew what PW stood for. I believe he told you he knew what it meant but I never asked you.

- Renee Yerger


Toni, You are the best! Toni has helped me with my horses so much, it is incredible! She pinpointed every problem we were having and the things we needed to change. My horses and I greatly appreciate you!

- Nikki Ward


I have been using Toni for going on three years now. I have only the highest respect for her & her God-given gift to communicate with our horses. Since I have been using Toni, not only has she helped me to understand my horses more & learn to read them better, but I also have a closer relationship with them now. Because she has helped me to understand them more, they seem happier & more willing to work at their potential. I won't hesitate to call Toni if I think there is a problem with any of my horses. Thank you, Toni, for being here for me & all my four-legged family.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma


I got some good news for you... I got all of my test results back on Monday and I am now in remission with this pain in the butt disease. They are taking me off the chemo and steroids and putting me on a medicine that is commonly used for arthritis patients. I will have to be on this med for the rest of my life- but it's not as toxic as chemo; and will allow me to go back to work and live a normal life. I just wanted to share the good news and hopefully brighten up your day.

- Ann


After taking the time to reflect on the past eight months of my life I realize that I must make a tribute to the ones that helped me survive and forge ahead. My deepest and warmest thanks go out to some very special people that helped make my story have a happy ending. Toni Trimble, LeeAnn, Linda, and Gail all played a special part in my search. I also feel it is important to say that I do not take any glorification in this story as I was led by God and Angels. I give all of the credit to them.

I have two dogs, Special and Mabel, they are both 10 years old. I also have a grand dog (I am Granny) named Sinabell. Sinabell is a beautiful Alligator Pitbull. She was purchased by my son as a tiny wormy puppy. Garrett, son, bought her to save her from a destiny of which she was born?to be a fighting dog. Garret and Sinabell became so attached over the next few years, he came to think of Sinabell as his daughter. He would even tell people that she was his daughter.

My mother lives with me and has that horrible disease called Alzheimer?s Disease. She would never intentionally harm an animal but is no longer responsible for her actions.

In the early morning hours before sunrise, my mother let Sinabell and Special outside. I am sure they were so happy to see a human that would let them go romp. Living in the country my dogs love to bounce all over our property but if left unattended will go find deer to chase which can lead to trouble.

That morning we discovered that Special was home but Sinabell was not. If I could change what I had done that morning I would have but my farrier was there waiting to get my horses done and I had to handle the horses for her. I called my son and alerted him to the situation. I called and called and as time went on I felt sheer terror down in the pit of my soul. I wish I had told the farrier I was not able to have horses done that day but I didn't.

Our precious Sinabell had disappeared. She was gone. My son and I rode the county roads calling and searching to no avail. We stayed out until midnight and gave up for the night. I immediately started making fliers. I offered a $1,000 reward for our girl. I placed ads in papers; I even had an article that showed her flier in our local newspaper for many months. Nothing. A few weeks after Sinabell's disappearance I contacted Toni.

Toni assured me that Sinabell was alive but had been picked up by a man and a woman in a truck and hauled off. She saw people trying to get Sinabell to fight. I cannot begin to explain the fear and heartache I was going through. She told Sinabell ‘do not fight’.

I poured my heart out to God. ?Please keep her safe and bring me to her?. This is where the real journey begins. I dedicated almost every waking hour of my life to finding Sinabell. Poster trips to the pound and extensive Internet searches. Long miles of searching. Stopping in every yard that looked like they had a dog. Posing as a possible client to an electrician when someone told me they saw a dog that fit her description with him. And boy is that a long story. Dozens of times I have dropped what I was doing when I would get a call or a tip that someone may have seen a dog of her description. My son even posed as a dogfighter to get into a local band of creeps that we were suspicious fought dogs.

I came across a wonderful dog I named Buster. He was a sweet Pit Bull that was wondering the highways. We fell in love with each other. I found his owner about 15 miles away and sadly bid him farewell.

One morning I got a call from a dog that fit Sinabell?s description. Garrett and I raced over to see this dog that was tied under a type of palm bush that sticks you if you get near it. All they could see was her face and she did look so much like our dog in the face but it wasn?t her. No one was home and the dog had no food, water or shelter. That?s another very long story but this dogs name is now Alley and she is part of our family.

I began to realize that Sinabell or God or both were putting an endless amount of desperate animal?s right in front of me. I saved 3 horses that were on death's door. I saved a herd of goats that were dying. And I was able to help countless numbers of people find their lost dogs. I was very happy to able to help out. But I still didn't have my sweet Sinabell and that was my mission. I sent a personal letter to every Pit Bull Breeder in the country with a letter and a picture of my dog. I did local and national Internet searches every week without fail. I went to all of the local dog shows and made sure everyone there had a flier of Sinabell in their hands. Month after month after month went by. This would have been so much easier if God had of just taken Sinabell with him. I would be able to find peace again. But she was here and she needed for me to keep searching so that is what I did.

I knew I was being led around by the higher powers when I came across a lady?s house that had my married daughters Shih Tzu in her possession. This little dog had been stolen out of my daughter?s fenced yard on Christmas Eve, many months earlier. This little dog was Sinabell's very close friend and playmate. ‘OK God, I get it. I am supposed to be on this journey.’ Use me as you need to but I expect you to place Sinabell back in my arms at the journeys end.? Not one night went by that I didn't talk to Sinabell with my heart. I promised her that I would find her and that I would not rest until she was home. I have to say that I have cried buckets of tears. I have had moments of total despair, put my life on hold and there were times when I was angry at God and I wanted to just give up. But I didn't.

On September the 23rd, I found Sinabell. She had passed through a couple of shelters and was two counties away when I reached her. The last 6 weeks of her life were just unbelievable. But God spared her and as I walked through what I felt was hell for 8 months, he sent me to her just as I had asked. Garrett fell to his knees with his arms wrapped so tight around Sinabell and so many tears of joy we have shared. All I could say for days is ‘it's a miracle’ and it really is.

I have learned so much in these past 8 months. First, to ask God for help and expect it. I do not have special gifts as Toni does but we all have the same ability to hear God. Next, Listen. And be willing to do God's work. I told Toni that I am not deserving of such a miracle but that Sinabell was. She is the sweet innocent soul that I have been so blessed to watch after.

I hope these words will bring some comfort to anyone grieving over a lost pet. Do not give up.

- Marcia Taylor

Toni, You are the best! Toni has helped me with my horses so much, it is incredible! She pinpointed every problem we were having and the things we needed to change. My horses and I greatly appreciate you!

- Nikki Ward -

I just wanted to let you know that I was a little skeptical when I called last Friday. All I can say is WOW. I am not skeptical anymore. All of our readings were right on the mark. I am going to schedule another reading when I get back home in November. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you and my horses again.

- Renee Yerger -

My stallion's face began to atrophy for no apparent reason on the right side. We had owned him less than a year when I began to notice a problem. I called Toni and through her, he told us he had an untreated ear infection that had made a "hole" in his bone and damaged the "yellow" nerve in his face. The vet said an ear infection had been untreated for years. It had eaten a hole in the bone in his face and caused nerve damage. His face may never be back totally normal but the

- Vicki Boots -

We have tried and tried and spent thousands of dollars trying to get her in foal. 3 years and no baby. The vet did a biopsy and told us her uterus had very little cellular build and she would never have babies. When we told you this; you did not agree. I took her to my dad's 40 days ago. She fell completely IN LOVE with his little stud horse that day. She has not come in heat since. Had I not talked to you; I would have given up.

- Shannon H. -

We had no idea prior to my conversation with Toni that his horse was hurting so badly. That weekend he went to a BIG calf roping and won the average, she worked great! Then, last weekend we went to the Quarter Horse Congress, and the mare won it! We are very thankful to Toni, (and Laird Burke!) because without Toni's help, and the chiropractor's, our horse would still be hurting. Now we are looking forward to the world show! Thanks, Toni!

- CR Bradley and Rosie Cooper -

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