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just wanted to tell you thank you and how much I appreciated you. I love him sooooooo much. He has been a gift from God and I've never had one comparable. Me and him have been through a lot together and sooo many of my friends and my family tell me how I need a new horse all the time because he is counterfeit and a cheater, but no one in this world knows how much he means to me.

- Jammie & Vegas -

I am certain that you saved my horse's athletic career! I have had three readings with you and each one brings me closer to my animals. You told me to trust my feelings when I felt my horses were trying to tell me something and although I had to have a terrible battle with the vet I ended up having him recheck something my horse insisted on...of course the horse was right and it was a happy ending.

- Heidi Kohl -

Thank you, Toni, for being here for me & all my four-legged family.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -

We are indebted to you for helping my daughter Sara and her horse. "Hippy" for the wonderful transitions they have made the past year. They went from physical, emotional tragedy to becoming a great team. Thanks for all your help and prayers.

- Brenda Nethers -

Because she has helped me to understand them more, they seem happier & more willing to work at their potential. I won't hesitate to call Toni if I think there is a problem with any of my horses. Thank you, Toni, for being here for me & all my four-legged family.

- Mary Lee, Oklahoma -