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I have no way of thanking you enough for helping me find my missing horse. I called you several weeks ago about one of our horses that had been given away without our permission. I have hope now that I may be able to recover Darlin - thanks to you, Toni. You have truly been the light throughout this whole dismal ordeal.

- Bev Dee -

precious Sinabell had disappeared. Toni assured me that Sinabell was alive but had been picked up by people trying to get Sinabell to fight. I cannot begin to explain the fear and heartache I was going through. I found Sinabell. She had passed through a couple of shelters and was two counties away when I reached her. The last 6 weeks of her life were just unbelievable. But God spared her and as I walked through what I felt was hell for 8 months, he sent me to her just as I had asked.

- Marcia Taylor -

I can't tell you the number of times that I thought she was out there in left field only to find that she was dead right. So now no matter how wild her statements are, I never doubt her! She is such an amazing healer and a wonderful friend.

- Julie Dickey -

I met you at Ft Robinson, NE this year. It took me a while to feel comfortable talking to you. I am so relieved that I did. You are truly a gift to the world.I am truly fortunate I spoke with you in May. I have helped my animals be more comfortable and you have definitely helped me give my animals a happier life. Thanks so much.

- Tara -

I wanted to thank you for all you have helped me within the past few months. If it weren't for you I would have never checked his back feet to find out how bad his shoes were, not to mention all the other things you've helped me with.

- Jammie & Vegas -

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