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I want to thank you again for your input and communications with Gunner. I can't explain it... but after our meeting, we went out to the barn that night to visit him... his eyes seemed to continue our conversation from earlier! It was like he was trying to tell us more. Thanks again, Toni! You have a wonderful gift... a TRUE gift! Thank you for sharing it with us! We will be forever grateful to you.

- Kym -

I just wanted to let you know that I was a little skeptical when I called last Friday. All I can say is WOW. I am not skeptical anymore. All of our readings were right on the mark. I am going to schedule another reading when I get back home in November. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you and my horses again.

- Renee Yerger -

Toni, You are the best! Toni has helped me with my horses so much, it is incredible! She pinpointed every problem we were having and the things we needed to change. My horses and I greatly appreciate you!

- Nikki Ward -

My appointment with Toni was a positive life-changing event for me and my horse. Our relationship has deepened and strengthened dramatically after our "meeting of the minds! Toni was able to educate me on Rap's physical and mental stumbling blocks - which I sensed, but could not pinpoint or solve. She provided expert guidance to all aspects of his life, from the environment to tack preferences to personal likes and dislikes.

- Cheryl Bixel & Reynolds Eternal Rap -

I have no way of thanking you enough for helping me find my missing horse. I called you several weeks ago about one of our horses that had been given away without our permission. I have hope now that I may be able to recover Darlin - thanks to you, Toni. You have truly been the light throughout this whole dismal ordeal.

- Bev Dee -